West side Quilters

WQG Demo Day Saturday, Feb 8, 2025
Aloha Sewing and Vacuum
10 am – 3 pm (come and go as you can)
Potato Chip Blocks with Jeri Bonser
(bonus demo – how to make quick and easy hexis)

You can use this block to make a quilt with a variety of looks.
This is a great stash buster!
Stay tuned for announcements about a charity sewing day in the near future when we’ll gather to make LOTS of these addictive quilts. For now- Jeri will get us started with a table topper.
Each block takes 18 rectangles which are cut to 2 ½ x 4 ½”. This will make a 12” finished block.
For a table topper that finishes to 27” x 27” you’ll need:
1 Charm Pack
1 fat quarter (lattice, aka sashing)
1 fat quarter (binding)
Piece of fabric to fit (or one yard) for backing
You’ll need:
A sewing machine and basic sewing supplies, cutting mat, ruler, rotary cutter
For your demo day table toppers, bring rectangles that match your décor or that are holiday or seasonally oriented that will make a table topper that you want to keep. For the upcoming charity sewing day- any quilting cotton is perfect. Start cutting those scraps!
Here’s a link to a printable pdf.

Why do they call it a
Potato Chip Block?

Because you can’t sew just one!

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Table Topper with Shirlene Harrington
Friday January 10
10:00 am until you want to leave

Location: Aloha Sew and Vac   
Just come for the demo or stay all day and make a few!

Shirlene will show us how to turn four 2 1/2″ wide strips of fabric into a table topper in very little time.
Make several for winter, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day or just something pretty to match your decor.

Demo Day is always free, but please sign up so we know you are coming..
Click Here for a printable information/supply list 




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