West side Quilters

Sewing Saturday

Are you new to WQG? Are you a current member? Are you wondering what Sewing Saturdays are all about? Well….let me tell you a bit of what to expect. We meet at Aloha Sew and Vac the third Saturday of the month for sewing, and fellowship (sometimes a bit of shopping).
Our guild provides: irons, Best Press, advice on projects if wanted, conversation, and fun. Aloha Sew and Vac supplies: large tables to share, ironing boards, cutting tables and cutting mats. You bring: sewing machine, rotary cutter, other supplies and a project or two (we are positive we will get more done than we do!). There are restaurants within the shopping center or bring your own lunch (refrigerator and microwave available). You can sew on a project, hand sew or cut out the next quilt, meet new members, become a new member, meet members who are “new to you”, sew or visit, most of all come join in our fun.

The hours are 9:00 am to 3:50 pm (store closes at 4:00). Please send me (Verla Kelly in the directory) an email or text on or before the Thursday prior to  Sewing Saturday and let me know if  you plan to attend. I need to notify Aloha Sew and Vac on Friday, by noon, how many will be in attendance, in order for them to set up. If you happen to forget, no worries, I will find you a seat and table.


 We will have a SEWING WEEKEND in October!  October 11 and October 12 – Friday and Saturday during store hours (9-5 on Friday, 9-4 on Saturday).
Come for all of it, or come and go as you like.  If you come on Friday, you can leave your stuff overnight ( it will be locked inside the store).


Sewing Saturday

Contact: Verla Kelly (in the directory)


Sharons quilt shop



Sharons quilt

Thursday Threaders

Thursday Threaders is a fun, casual gathering on Thursdays at Sharon’s Attic quilt shop in Hillsboro. We gather to sew, chat, laugh and share our love of quilting. Show and tell is often a fun part of the day. Everyone is welcome. Bring your machine, projects, hand sewing, whatever you want to work on and join us. We start about 10:00 and stay as long as your schedule permits. 

NMR – No Machines.. required

Small group get together to work on hand work of your choice. Binding, embroidery, beading, knitting or crochet. Bring whatever you want, chat with friends while you work

Meets at: No Machines Required is currently suspended and not meeting.

Woman Quilting

Contact: Toni Beattie


Longarm Quilters Group

For those interested in learning and sharing longarm quilting skills.

We meet monthly- second Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00 at various locations – sometimes  member’s home or public meeting venues.

Contact Laurie Hopper ( in the directory or ) for more information

Woman Quilting

Contact: Laurie Hopper

Haystack Oregon


TArts, named for The Arts, is the art quilting group of WQG. Our group is open to all guild members with an interest in art quilting. We strive to broaden our skills
and strengthen our design sense through sharing in an open-minded setting. Our
work may be individually crafted or created by the group, depending on the criteria for each project.

You are invited to join our meetings on the first Thursday of each month at
11:00am at Aloha Sew and Vac. New members are always welcome.
For more info on our group and current projects, contact Jean Lasswell:


Email –

Show & Tell

We are thrilled will all the efforts and contributions that have happened this past year. Our wonderful Jane Hogue has delighted us each month at our General Mtg via ZOOM with a visual Show and Tell of works submitted digitally from our creative members.

we are now doing Show and Tell at the in-person general meeting. Come and bring your projects to show!

For a revisit of Jane’s slide presentations, click on the month below and enjoy the view!!


Email –

Show and tell